Scp 1370

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Scp 1370 At Last I Am Unleashed Upon This Earth So Deserving Of Destruction All Shall Be Rent Within My Pinchers All Shall Be Trampled Beneath My Feet I Am Shivatron Despoiler Of
D-, a Caucasian male 34 years of age.

Scp 1370. Mod Created with MCreator:. SCP-1370 is inept at combat and has been shown multiple times to fail at even confronting. Subject expresses a desire to cause absolute chaos.
SCP-1370 способен общаться посредством вмонтированного в грудь динамика, голос существа монотонный. Scp-1370은 넘어지고, 일어나지 못함. Description edit | edit source.
Safe Speciální Zadržovací Procedury:. SCP-1370-A аномальным образом знали имя и псевдоним ЛПИ-101, несмотря на то, что никому из них так и не удалось поговорить с этим человеком. Bright shows them that Lara has been tied up by Hopper back at the Foundation.
73 Scp 6 soldiers C.I. SCP-1370 ถูกขังไว้ในครอบแก้วทนไฟสำหรับจัดแสดง ในศูนย์การแสดง-27 ถ้าครอบแก้วนี้ได้รับความเสียหาย ก็ให้ใช้. SCP-1370 is a self-aware artificial being constructed from various electrical devices and tools.
Do you have stock in Disney or something?. SCP-914, also known as "The Clockworks", is an SCP object in SCP - Containment Breach.It is currently one of the few SCPs in the game that can actually aid the player. SCP-1371 is not to be handled physically, the object should only be moved while inside of a container.
D-, an Asian male 40 years of age. This manga summarizes the reports of the SCPs currently under the Foundation. V0.1 Walks through solid matter and chases the player.
Visit our website regularly to read the latest and best stories about couple love. It is currently in custody of the SCP Foundation where it is kept in a display case when not being tested on or being used for anything else by level 2+ personel. Subject calls itself various names and will generally attempt to "kill" all human life.
Scp scp 1370 scp shitpost. Description edit | edit source. English CC Audio languages.
(잎과 싸우려 들며) 입으로 파멸을 재촉하는구나. Kissmanga's stories bring a gentle emotions, sometimes angry, sometimes lovely, sometimes quiet. Safe Special Containment Procedures:.
약 6분 후 scp-1370이 화분을 넘어뜨리고, 굴러온 화분에 scp-1370의 몸이 깔림. It measures approximately one meter in height and can move around using its articulated joints. Including 4 scp 9 Scientists and doctors 9 O5 8 New MTF 5 soldiers G.O.C.
SCP-053 is contained in a five cubic meter cell. Wenn das Glas durch äußere Einwirkung beschädigt wird, kann jeder Behälter mit den Mindestabmessungen 1.25 x 0.75 x 0.50 m als Ersatz benutzt werden bis ein neuer Schaukasten verfügbar ist. The statue does not possess hands or facial features:.
Cory and Triana report to mission briefing. The subject communicates in a monotone voice by using the speaker in its chest. I'M TRYING TO SPREAD THIS COMIC SO MANY SCP FANS OUT THERE CAN FIND IT!.
The Bear with a Heart of Patchwork SCP-2300:. SCP-58 is a bipedal humanoid robot 2.7 meters tall, weighing 424 kg, constructed from high-strength polymer impregnated with carbon nanotubes and interlaced with reinforced fibers and epoxy. 1230 will always be my personal favorite.
My art scp I can't really draw robots that well I. V0.9 It appears to have influence in a manner directly proportional to the force of gravity between the instance of SCP-148 and a being. Safe Special Containment Procedures:.
Subject is sapient and can communicate via speech. 42 points · 3 years ago. Pokud bude krabička vnějšími podněty požkozena, bude dočasně nahrazena jakýmkoliv jiným kontejnerem o rozměrech minimálně 1,25 x 0,75 x 0,5 metrů, dokud nebude dostupná nová výstavní krabička.
Speakers beneath its "face" produce a high pitched. Results of testing after four days. It is known for its adorable appearance and friendly attitude.
SCP-1370.Kissmanga is a website that publishes manga stories about love especially love of students. 2 ((AU where SCP-1370 can actually kick your ass and isn’t a weak art-project of a robot. SCP-053, also known as the Young Girl, is a Euclid class object contained by the SCP Foundation.
SCP-1370 je uzamčeno v ohnivzdorné skleněné výstavní krabičce, v Galerii 27. SCP-1370 ist in einem feuerfesten Glasschaukasten in Galerie 27 eingeschlossen. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
It is currently in custody of the SCP Foundation where it is kept in a display case when not being tested on or being used for anything else by level 2+ personel. SCP_1370 1 point 2 points 3 points 19 days ago This is the first time I’ve ever complained about superheroes and all I even said was “capeshit” you sperg. Once touched by him, you will be transported to the Pocket Dimension.:.
, detailing a large, friendly monster that is stated to be capable of permanently killing SCP-6, and 1 (one) D-Class personnel (D-6-32) equipped with 1 (one) 10 Ducati Multistrada motorcycle. It has been shown to slither towards the nearest person and. Under current Circumstances I am.
The Hateful Star Originally Planned SCPs:. 松(A・TYPEcorp.) & SCP Fo. SCP-1370"Pesterbot" June 16, 18.
Procedure speciali di Contenimento:. THIS IS NOT MY WORK!. In universe, the SCP Foundation is responsible for locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law (referred to as SCPs).
SCP-650 is a black statue of a stylized humanoid 167cm tall. 네놈은 나의 손가락 사이에 으깨지리라. SCP-1370은 방화 유리 케이스에 넣어 잠근 채로 제27화랑에 보관한다.
It is to be fed a diet of one earthworm once every three days. SCP:Containment Breach (Horror Box) Adds 6 support team. The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door SCP-080:.
SCP-1370 is a small, generally harmless toy robot with a conciousness as well as total hatred for all living things. SCP-053's food is served three times a day, with two snacks allowed. Unity that will be added in an as of yet unannounced version.
The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization documented by the web-based collaborative fiction project of the same name. 1230 just wants people to be happy, you can't get hurt by it (unless your like that one researcher)) and you could pull some awesome stuff with it. ~SCP-1370 "Pesterbot" ~SCP-1762 "Where the Dragons Went" They ask you how you are and you just have to say that your fine, when your not really fine ~SCP-06 "Too Spooky" ~SCP-2317 "A Door to Another World" ~SCP-2845 "THE DEER" ~SCP-3092 "Gorilla Warfare" ~SCP-3108 "The Nerfing Gun" ~SCP-4158 "Big Charlie The Big Cow" ~SCP-5140 "EVEREST.
SCP-053 is supplied toys, books& games, which are used frequently. This is another piece from my latest college project, this design in particular is another version of the character roughly based on SCP-1370:. 진열 케이스가 외부 요인으로 인해 손상되었을 경우, 새 진열 케이스가 가용될 때까지 적어도 1.25 x 0.75 x 0.50 미터 크기를 만족하는 용기로 대체한다.
You're reading Oversimplified SCP Chapter :. SCP 1370 is a self-aware artificial being made out of various electrical devices and pieces. Pesterbot from the story Oversimplified SCP manga by _Uwu-Boyz_ ( ) with 8 reads.
SCP-1370 is a self-aware artificial being constructed from various electrical devices and tools. SCP-1370 is a cobbled-together, clumsy, self aware robot that tries to fight any being/object it believes is sapient (people, animals, security cameras). You may also know me as DoomBot 00, RoboLord the Destructor, Prime Minister Sinister and Darth Claw Killflex.
Where the Dragons Are Went SCP-06:. Procédures de Confinement Spéciales :. SCP-1370 communicates in a monotone voice via a speaker mounted in its chest.
I am SCP 1370. Basic summary of the SCP:. SCP-1370 is locked in a fire-proof glass display case, stored in Gallery 27.If the case becomes damaged by external.
SCP-1370 se comunica con una voz monótona a través de un parlante montado en su pecho. Se la teca subisce danni da circostanze esterne, un qualsiasi contenitore di dimensioni non inferiori a 1.25 x 0.75 x 0.50 metri sarà sufficiente come sostituzione fino alla disponibilità di una nuova teca. Si la boîte est endommagée par des facteurs externes, tout conteneur avec des dimensions d'au minimum 1,25 m x 0,75 m x 0,50 m suffira comme remplacement jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle boite soit disponible.
SCP-999 appears to be a large, big, gelatinous mass of orange slime, with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter, which shows great affection towards people. It stands approximately one meter in height and is capable of moving its articulated joints despite the lack of any power source or motors. 26 points · 3 years ago.
SCP-1370 communicates in a monotone voice via a speaker mounted in its chest. It is completely incompetent and even lost a fight to a potted plant. SCP-6, equipped with one (1) copy of "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP-6 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard", a 12-page short story written by Dr.
SCP-1370 is a small 1 meter tall robot. SCP-053 is provided with bedding medicinal facilities. SCP-999, also known as "The Tickle Monster", is a Safe-class SCP under the SCP Foundation's containment.
Came here to say this. The limbs taper off into rounded points and the head is a smooth surface all around. SCP-1370 è rinchiuso in una teca di vetro ignifuga, situata nella Galleria 27.
Hooper threatens them and tells them they'll never see her again unless that tell him where the. "SCP-1370 is a small, generally harmless toy robot with a conciousness as well as total hatred for all living things. SCP-58, or "Smith Jim", is an upcoming SCP in SCP:.
Su cabeza es un voltímetro soldado al revés a una unión en el cuello, dándole la apariencia de una sonrisa amigable, pero no posee dispositivos sensores. SCP-1371 is to be kept in a glass aquarium located in a level 1 security cell at Site-18.

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