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SCP-457 doit être confiné dans une chambre de 5 X 5 m avec au moins 22,9 cm de matériaux ininflammables (amiante-ciment, planches de perlite) sur toute la surface de la cellule ainsi qu'une fenêtre d'observation à l'épreuve des déflagrations munie de volets anti-explosions déployables en cas d'urgence.

Scp 457 scp 054. SCP-457 appears to be invisible and undetectable often assuming a human-like form if given sufficient fuel to assume that size. SCP-054-DE wird momentan in Standort-DE19 im Büro von Dr. Le personnel de maintenance doit être équipé de combinaisons NBC lorsqu’il pénètre la zone de confinement et doit rester dix.
#scp 457 #scp #scp 054 #scp foundation #scp fanart #scp shitposting #shitposting #orig by hotmeat btw. Once SCP-457 reaches an unknown threshold of size and fuel source, SCP-457 splits into two beings, and so on so forth. SCP-457, also known as The Burning Man, is a dangerous SCP contained by the SCP foundation.
The species collectively known as SCP-32 or The Aristocrats are a mutated species of human and are minor antagonists in the SCP Foundation universe. SCP-053's food is served three times a day, with two snacks allowed. The leader of the unit was holding two containers, the container in his right hand held SCP 457 and the one on the right was holding SCP 054.
SCP-073 is a male, cyborg-like entity whose arms, legs, spine, and shoulders are replaced entirely with an unknown metal. 유클리드/잠재적 케테르(Euclid/Potential Keter) 특수 격리 절차:. 독방의 입구는 온도 제어가.
This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. SCP-457 spawns in an area inside the Heavy Containment Zone and patrols it. SCP-053 is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m (16 ft x 16 ft) and given adequate room to move.
The instances of SCP-054-FR collapsed over the released blood. On its forehead is a mysterious symbol of Sumerian origin;. 1 Reply 21 days ago.
When asked about the symbol, SCP-073 will become hestiate and refuse to answer. No thermal, electromagnetic, biological, or other phenomenon has ever been detected in its "body" that would suggest how it animates. Custody of the physical components of SCP-3457 has been entrusted to the Coalition, which may deal with all relevant items in whatever manner it deems.
The track "SCP-457 Warning" has Roblox ID. Ongoing containment of SCP-3457 is maintained through a joint effort of the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition, in accordance with the terms of the Köln Agreement. Great art, btw :two_hearts:.
Euclid Special Containment Procedures:. Sketch by the bio-researcher Greta T. Help you get people like your YouTube more like and viewers.
Please click the thumb up button if you like it (rating is updated over time). Euclide Procédures de Confinement Spéciales :. SCP-457 seems to be a humanoid being composed of flame.
SCP-054-FR will accelerate to an average of kph, with the highest reported speed being kph. Sin embargo, múltiples entidades de SCP-457 son agresivas unas con otras, e intentarán consumirse o extinguirse, especialmente si hay una cantidad limitada de combustible al alcance. A series of experiments discovered that releasing several litres of animal blood in the waters where SCP-054-FR is known to occur can cause its manifestation within two minutes.
Euclid/Potential Keter Special Containment Procedures:. Scp 457 scp foundation scp 457 scp foundation < >. Dross gehandhabt und muss vier mal (4) in der Woche, mindestens 8 Stunden beaufsichtigt werden.
Find and follow posts tagged scp 054 on Tumblr. The SCP-457 heals when attacks a hostile enemy. A/N:Hey, I just wanted to say thank you guy for all the votes, comments and those who follow me.
Out of the water, the subject most often appears as a female humanoid with a mean volume of 90 L comprised entirely of water (other forms are possible, commonly geometric shapes). A series of experiments discovered that releasing several litres of animal blood in the waters where SCP-054-FR is known to occur can cause its manifestation within two minutes. Inside the chamber are dozens of parallelepiped monoliths extending from floor to ceiling that slide in various directions while SCP-057 is.
Scp-054は、明らかに通常の水から構成されています。 同じ源泉である普通の湧き水と比較しても、その違いは見つけられませんでした。 熱なのか、電磁気なのか、生物学的なものであるのか、それとも他の現象であるのか、その"体"に命を吹き込んでいる. Containment Breach Nine Tailed Fox Mod.It is a sentient being composed entirely of flames, with a sole goal of finding fuel to spread it's flames. (800) 253-5549 (North America) or (514) 457-4499(Canada) SCP SCIENCE - PROVIDING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS SCP SCIENCE manufactures and distributes analytical equipment, reagents, and certified reference materials for the inorganic analytical laboratories market.
SCP-053 is supplied toys, books& games, which are used frequently. It takes the form of a game show announcer who appears within an unnamed building overseen by the Foundation. Find the most popular Roblox music on the Roblox music codes page.
And also scp 054 water nymph and scp 239 witch child scp 040 evolution child scp 029 daughter of shadows scp 123 stars eye child scp 590 he heal scp 457 burning man dr wondertainmen scp little misters and ms. If you could share it i'd really appreciate it. The instances of SCP-054-FR collapsed over the released blood.
SCP-457 is to be kept in a 5m x 5m chamber with no less than 22.9cm (9in) of cumulative fireproofing via various materials (asbestos cement, perlite boards) upon all surfaces and a blast-proof observation window with emergency blast shielding installed. SCP-457's actual composition is unknown, and has proven to be invisible and undetectable by any known means, but is shaped out by the flames it produces, often assuming a human-like form if given sufficient fuel to assume that. Idk why, i jus ship SCP 457 and SCP 054.
Fire - SCP-457 burns its victim within its radius. On 09/18/19 , during regular testing of SCP-1609, the anomaly unexpectedly began to show aggression towards D-.However, before any personnel could be injured or killed, SCP-1609 was displaced by SCP-396. Euclid/Potenziale Keter Procedure Speciali di Contenimento:.
Une fontaine ornée remplie d’eau doit être entreposée au centre de la salle. SCP 457s container was (8 X 4). I didn't really think that someone would read and vote this and follow me.
THE CONTAGIOUS CRYSTAL SCP 409, 457 - SCP Containment Breach 1.3.11 - Ultimate Edition Mod - Part 3 💖 SUBSCRIBE | PREVIOUS VIDEO ht. Descended from members of the royal House of Habsburg, after anomalous gene editing and hundreds of years spent living underground and inbreeding, they have evolved into cruel and monstrous predators with a taste for human flesh. SCP-073, known by the alias "Cain" is a Euclid-class, cyborg-esque SCP residing within Site-17 of the SCP Foundation.
Ningún fenómeno térmico, electromagnetico, biologico o de otra naturaleza se ha detectado en su "cuerpo" que indique cómo es que se mueve. If a group enters the building housing SCP-024, they are greeted by the announcer, who will introduce them to an unseen audience and inform them that they are to participate in a game show, and that the losers. Thus far, nearly all of the informations surrounding SCP-055's physical appearance or origin story remain mysterious, nor.
As of now, it's model is that of SCP-106, with different texture, surrounded by flames. Отличий от обыкновенной родниковой воды из того же источника не замечено. SCP-457, having split into two bodies, observes a camera during testing.
0 Reply June 05. SCP 054 container was (10 X 5). Fire boy vs water girl None of the stks are mine except for 457, 054 and Iris, which are edited versions of already existing stks.
SCP 352, also known as Baba Yaga, appears to be an incredibly old, emaciated woman of indeterminate age and race. I thought i'd start 14 with a good one - so i've been saving this. SCP 054- The Water Nymph.
El agua perdida por SCP-054 debido a la evaporación. Fire boi n water gurl ( SCP 457 & 054) Emma Itsume Hiatus 10/26/18. Remember to share this page with your friends.
SCP-053, also known as the Young Girl, is a Euclid class object contained by the SCP Foundation. How To Send Fan Art:. I also have to say, you've got great taste in favorite scps.
LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to TheRubber Channel Today!. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three (3) months. It can attack its enemies by burning them.
I dont think I've seen that many drawings of scp 457 before and this one is just amazing. SCP-055, also known as unknown, is a Keter-class SCP Object contained by SCP Foundation and is one of the most mysterious objects in containment. SCP-054 aparentemente está constituida por agua normal, sin diferencias detectables en comparación con el agua de manantial común del mismo origen.
TheRubber bring you SCP Foundation KETER class object, SCP-352 Animation. SCP-053 is provided with bedding medicinal facilities. 1 Abilities 2 Tactics 3 Notes 4 Gallery Shift- Increases walking speed.
SCP-457, nicknamed The Burning Man, is an enemy in SCP:. Water lost by SCP-054 to evaporation exhibits no special properties when. SCP-457 appears to be a sentient being composed of flame.
SCP-457 deve essere contenuto in una stanza di 5 m × 5 m con uno strato ignifugo di almeno 22,9 cm composto da diversi materiali (eternit e pannelli di perlite espansa) a ricoprire tutte le superfici e con una finestra di osservazione munita di uno scudo d'emergenza, entrambi resistenti alle. SCP-053 is contained in a five cubic meter cell. SCP-457 vs SCP-054| Sticknodes Animation.
Its class is Euclid/Potential Keter. It was uploaded on October 16, 17. The containers are small but SCP 457s container was smaller.
Scp-054, очевидно, состоит из обычной воды. For all points and purposes, SCP-457 appears to be a sentient being composed of flame. However, multiple beings of SCP-457 are aggressive towards each other, and will either attempt to consume or extinguish their doubles, especially if there is only a limited amount of fuel at hand.
Out of the water, the subject most often appears as a female humanoid with a mean volume of 90 L comprised entirely of water (other forms are possible, commonly geometric shapes). Artifact is comprised of impenetrable slate-coloured stone. - Email in PNG/JPEG format to:.
SCP-457's actual composition is unknown, and has proven to be invisible and undetectable by any known means, but is shaped out by the flames it produces, often assuming a human-like form if given sufficient fuel to assume that size. Thus, assignment of female personnel is recommended. Sûr Procédures de Confinement Spéciales :.
It can also use them as fuel, which will increase its health and dealing minor damage to a certain area. SCP-054 is apparently composed of normal water, with no detectable differences compared to ordinary spring water from the same source. SCP-057 is a subterranean chamber with an approximate cylindrical height of three (3) meters and diameter of eighteen (18) meters.
The stamina is. SCP-457は5m x 5mの、全ての表面を累積22.9cm(9インチ)の様々な耐火材質(石綿セメント、真珠岩ボード)で覆われ、耐爆風用のぞき窓に緊急用爆破防壁が備えられている独房で管理されています。 部屋の開口部は少なくとも2つの温度. Le sujet doit être maintenu dans une cellule étanche avec un équipement de contrôle climatique intégré.
SCP-024 is a Euclid-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's observation. Keter Special Containment Procedures:. One of the containers is now being researched by Dr.
SCP-457 possesses only the simplest of directives and shows no signs of being unusual compared to any other flame beyond a penchant for. SCP-457은 벽 표면 전체가 두께 22.9 cm (9인치) 의 다양한 내화 재료 (석면 시멘트, 펄라이트판)로 덮여져 있고 비상용 폭파 차폐막이 설치된 방폭 투시창이 붙은 독방에서 관리되고 있다. The waterbenders pressed about this one.
Once its fire grew to its max size, the SCP grew into a full humanoid that was orange and see-through, and had a running speed faster than normal running. Im Falle von Anrufen, müssen diese angenommen werden und ein, den Vorgaben entsprechenden Interview muss durchgeführt und dokumentiert werden. Due to SCP-396's more remote location and secure containment chamber, there were no casualties and SCP-1609 was recontained without additional incident.
Log in Sign up. 102 *coughs -. The opening to the chamber must consist of at least two.
SCP-457 was a floating ball of fire that was aggravated towards whoever was in its attack range, and every time it landed a hit on someone its fire grew larger. SCP-054 has developed a mistrust for human males during its confinement;. Una vez SCP-457 alcance un umbral de tamaño y fuente de combustible desconocido, SCP-457 se dividirá en dos, y así sucesivamente.
When it enters a body of water, it becomes indistinguishable from its surroundings. Its popularity is 13. SCP-054-FR will accelerate to an average of kph, with the highest reported speed being kph.

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